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New York City Placed In The Grand Canyon

(BAD) Blog About Design: New York City Placed In The Grand Canyon

Friday, July 19, 2013

New York City Placed In The Grand Canyon
Swiss based artist, Gus Petro's three part photography series titled "Empty", "Dense", and "Merge" explores two completely different areas, then brings them together. The series is an incredible example of imagination, and beauty. In 2012, Petro travelled to the USA and took photographs of the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon is peaceful, and a natural creation. After exploring the Grand Canyon Petro flew to NYC. NYC on the other hand is manmade, urban, and anything but empty. In "Merge", Petro takes the big apple and sets it in one of the most magnificent places on Earth. The result is shear genius. (ABOVE) The dense, and highly populated NYC sits in the Grand Canyon. (BELOW 1) Overlooking the skyline. Without the tree to the left the landscape has a very space like feel. (BELOW 2) The city is so small compared to the beauty of the Grand Canyon. (BELOW 3) Man on a horse looking at NYC? That path is quite narrow. (BELOW 4) By far my favorite photograph in the series. An empty NYC surrounded by such magnificent mountains. What do you think of the series? 

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